When is it time to start some basic cleanup of your World system?

    10463859 1018866614811432 4823559341529199060 oMark Andrzejewski, JD Edwards World Practice Lead

    When is it time to start some basic cleanup of your World system?

    As time goes by, we tend to collect a number of obsolete Dream Writers, World Writers, menus and business data. Every organization is different in their retention needs, but we all face the reality that they need to do simple housekeeping at some point in time.

    Developing a concrete retention policy is vital in keeping your system purring along. Purging any stale Dream Writers not only helps in making your versions lists fresh and concise, it also helps diminish the risk of users selecting an improper version and causing data issues. The same applies to World Writers and menus. Taking the time to do some cleaning now pays off in the future and helps take the guess work off your users when doing their jobs.
    Purging business data remains, of course, more difficult. Many times the trend is to hang on to data many, many years past the actual IRS requirements. Making the decision to purge business data is always a balance between needs and wants. Keeping data in surplus of IRS guidelines, although convenient for users, comes at a price. Whether that be in terms of slower performance, an accelerated hardware upgrade rhythm or legal consequences, it's a task that has to be done.
    Fortunately, you have options and 3rd party products to help. GSI's trusted partner, ARCTOOLS is best in class solution that permits for archival of data from production files to help your system regain lost performance. Unlike P00PURGE, the data remains accessible to users without having to create alternative programs or World Environments. This helps many organizations "sell" the need to purge business data to the business while upholding a faster more effective system for all.
    Until next month!
    If you have questions about JD Edward's World Software, please email us at inquiries@GetGSI.com.