JDE E1: Staging Test Data for Processing with Labor Z-File F06116Z1

    JDE E1: Staging Test Data for Processing with Labor Z-File F06116Z1

    Bruce LaBrecque, AppCare Distribution Consultant

    If you have a customer that is reporting labor in JDE E1 and are using the Labor Z-File F06116Z1 there will be times where you want to stage some test data for processing. This can be accomplished with a minimal amount of data entry into the Batch Time Entry File revisions program P05116Z1. In this application you can enter labor hours for Work Orders, GL Account Numbers or Job Cost Accounts.

    First Navigate to G05BBT3.

    Select Batch Time Entry File Revisions.

    Click the Add Button.

    Mandatory fields at this point are User Batch (which is an alpha/numeric filed) Employee ID, Pay, Hours, Account Number (Or Work Order Number and Oper Seq#) Date Worked and Shift Code.

    You can enter the Account Number as BU.OBJECT.SUBSIDARY unless it’s a Job Cost Account. If Job Cost enter BU..SUBSIDIARY only. The OBJECT Account will get populated based on the Employee PDBA Code set up in the Employee Master and the Job Cost AAI’s. Enter data as pictured below.

    Note the Pay type codes are directly related to the type of data you are inputting. For Example, 110 is related to a J1 Job Type from Job Cost, J2 is Job Type from Job Cost and a 1 is a Regular Manufacturing Work Order Number.

    Next click the OK Button.

    Next you will need to run the Batch Time Entry Processor (R05116Z1) which will fill in the Object Account Number for the Job Cost jobs entered as well as process these records from the F06116Z1 to the F06116 data file where they will be processed further in JDE to the General Ledger.

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