Cat Got Your Mouse? A Keyboard Shortcut Solution!

    11037356 910486315649463 5444561359418633916 oJennifer Sanske and Ashley Robertson, Associate Business Analysts

    Hey keyboard advocates! Want more than just your "pointer" finger doing the work? Did you throw your mouse into traffic in a fit of rage? Are you going through so many ergonomic mouse pads that you are going into debt? Well, you've come to the right place. Put your seatbelts on and get ready for these top secret keyboard shortcuts to speed through your days' work!

    Information Access
    On days when you haven't had enough coffee...yet, clicking 'F1' will give you a description for any field from JD Edwards for "Dummies".
    When the IT desk is asking for system information and you just can't put your finger on it, put three fingers on 'CTRL+SHIFT+J' to launch the application and get the information that you need.
    Enterprise One Menu
    When your mouse (you) is tired, or you had a long day, you can use the arrow keys to navigate and scroll through the EnterpriseOne navigator menus.
    Tree Grid
    Do you want to quickly add a menu path to your favorites and just don't have time for mouse clicks? By pressing 'CTRL+SHIFT+Right arrow', you can easily expand the tree grid which displays the option to "Add To Favorites".
    Button Hot Keys
    Are repetitive tasks getting you down? The following short cuts will allow you quick access to frequently used screens:
    'Ctrl + Alt + A' allows you to Add.
    'Ctrl + Alt + I' allows you to Search.
    'Ctrl + Alt + E' allows you to Save and Continue.
    Once you are into the screen, you can easily tab through the desired fields.
    Calendar Tool
    Is it taking you days, months, even years to click though the calendar? Instead, save some time and use these short cuts to make the time fly!
    'Page Up/Down' allows you to move to the previous/next month.
    'Home/End' allows you to move to the previous/next year.
    Media Object Text
    Secret devotion to Microsoft Office? All media object viewers in JD Edwards allow the same text shortcuts! Are you done screaming with joy yet? Ok great. For example:
    'Ctrl + B' allows you to bold the selected text.
    'Ctrl + I' allows you to italicize the selected text.
    'Ctrl + Shift + L' allows you to create a bullet.
    Moving in the Grid (ready to have your mind blown?)
    'Tab' allows you to move to the next field.
    Getting dizzy trying to find those tiny magnifying glasses and calendars? 'F2' allows you to launch the search/calendar/calculator button from the field you are in.
    Clicking 'ENTER' in a grid row allows you to move focus to the first editable field in the row below.

    Using these short cuts in EnterpriseOne can help your right "pointer" finger survive another day, and impress your boss with your expeditious navigation and entry.

    All screens are not the same, therefore Hot Keys may not work on every screen. Take a moment of move on, and get to keying!

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