10 Reasons to Switch from Salesforce to HubSpot

Why Should I Switch from Salesforce to HubSpot?Hubspot v Salesforce

Ready to shave 40% to 60% off the cost of implementing and running your CRM? Then it’s probably time for a switch from Salesforce to HubSpot.

Often viewed as the de facto customer relationship management (CRM), marketing automation, and analytics platform, Salesforce is not always the best choice for small to midsized enterprises that want to leverage cloud-based CRM.

So while it may be the undisputed leader in cloud-based CRM, Salesforce is definitely not the only solution worth considering. In fact, by switching to the more affordable—and just as feature-rich—HubSpot platform, companies can save anywhere from 40% to 60% in Total Cost of Ownership. Now when costs are more important than ever, maybe it’s time to switch!

Money Clipart1) Total Cost of Ownership is 40 – 60% Less

Licensing, implementing, and maintaining HubSpot is 40—60% less than Salesforce. No Salesforce administrator is required to maintain the system, create reports, etc. Imagine what you can do with the savings.


City2) Built for Small and Mid-Market (SMBs) Organizations

With over 75,000 users in 120 countries, HubSpot gives users an all-in-one self-service system focused on marketing, sales, and service for small and mid-market businesses, without the all of the costs and complexities associated with implementing and maintaining Salesforce. 

 CRM 3) A True Self-Service CRM – No Sales Operations Professional Needed

Dedicated to ease-of-use and simplicity for admins, reps, and managers, HubSpot allows you to spend less time (and money) getting your sales system to work the way you want it to. That means you’ll have the freedom to organize and administer your CRM without the need to hire a dedicated sales operations person (who, according to Glassdoor, commands an average salary of $77,503)—nor will you have to turn current employees into Salesforce administrators.CRM

  All in One 4) HubSpot’s All-in-one Platform

HubSpot was built from the ground up as one system for sales, marketing, and service. Unlike Salesforce—which requires a “loose integration” with Pardot—HubSpot comes with its own built-in marketing tool. So, where HubSpot was developed from the ground-up for sales, marketing, and service, Salesforce requires a cobbling-together of systems to get one complete platform. The result is a unified and consistent user experience where data, reporting, and individual tools are all similar and work in concert with each other


Ranked5) HubSpot Ranked #1 User Friendly CRM

HubSpot is consistently ranked the most user-friendly CRM, with sales representative adoption often cited as a key benefit among HubSpot users.


Easy Implemntation6) Easier Implementation

Salesforce is sophisticated, complex, very customizable, and costly, which makes it especially good for large organizations. HubSpot, on the other hand, is easier and less costly for small businesses to get up and running.



scalability7) Scalability

HubSpot prides itself on usability, which means you’ll be able change and adapt your instance of the platform over time, layering in more customization and complexity as your business scales. Salesforce, on the other hand, offers endless customization for the most complex organizations. Sure, you’ll get best-in-class forecasting and reporting dashboards from Salesforce, but these advanced features may require more admin support.


Out of Box8) Better Out-of-the-box Reporting and Dashboards

Right out of the box, HubSpot is superior to Salesforce from a dashboard and reporting perspective (although the latter shines when it comes to customizations). So where you can build whatever you want in Salesforce, HubSpot is ready to go on the day it’s installed.


web analytics9) Built-in Chat, Blog, Social Media, and Website Analytics

HubSpot comes with built-in chatbots that interface with your company’s website. It also has a built-in blog that allows you to post on social media or generate ads directly from the platform. This save tremendous time on content marketing and helps your company measure audience engagement (via a strong suite of website analytics capabilities).


advanced technology10) More Advanced Technologies

Built with more artificial intelligence (AI) and automation than Salesforce, HubSpot offers modern marketing solutions that take advantage of advanced technologies. And because all of its functionalities were built into a single system, the end results are better processes, workflows, and collaborations across those systems. Your sales team, marketing teams, and advertising department will all be working from a single, unified system that covers all of the bases.