How to Secure the Expanding Attack Surface with Application Security Testing (AST)

Cloud, IoT Devices, APIs, Web Apps, BYOD,  Remote Work, Supply Chain, and Third Party Vendors

Securing Expanding  Attach Surface with AST-min

As digital technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, organizations are facing an ever-expanding battlefield of cyber threats. The emergence of cloud computing, mobile applications, IoT devices, APIs, and interconnected networks has opened the door to a new wave of sophisticated attacks. In this blog, we will delve into the crucial importance of application security testing in defending against these evolving threats and strengthening an organization's security measures.

In one example of an application breach with far-reaching consequences, SolarWinds suffered a devastating cyber attack, where highly skilled hackers infiltrated their widely-used Orion IT monitoring and management software by injecting malicious code. It was then deployed to its 18,000 customers when an update to the Orion software was made. The repercussions of this malicious act were far-reaching, impacting numerous organizations and government agencies worldwide. Not even influential entities like Homeland Security, State, Commerce, and Treasury, or renowned tech giants such as Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, and Deloitte escaped the alarming attack.

As organizations embrace cloud services, APIs, web applications, interconnected supply chains, IoT technologies, remote work, and BYOD, the traditional network perimeter is becoming obsolete. With data and applications scattered across different environments, cyber attackers have numerous entry points to exploit. This expanding attack surface poses a significant challenge, as every interconnected component becomes a potential target for malicious actors.

In the face of this ever-expanding battlefield of cyber threats, application security testing emerges as a vital weapon in the fight. It involves systematically evaluating applications to uncover any potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses. By proactively addressing these concerns, organizations can effectively reduce their attack surface and strengthen their overall cybersecurity stance.

Ensuring the Security of Cloud-Based Applications

Cloud computing offers immense benefits in scalability and flexibility, but it also introduces new security risks. Application security testing is crucial for evaluating the security of cloud-based applications and protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access and potential breaches. By conducting comprehensive testing, organizations can identify vulnerabilities and implement necessary security measures to mitigate risks. This includes assessing access controls, authentication mechanisms, encryption protocols, and data storage/transmission methods. Additionally, application security testing helps organizations comply with industry regulations and demonstrate their commitment to data privacy and security.

AST also addresses cloud container security by scanning for vulnerabilities, conducting SAST and DAST on container code, evaluating container networking, supply chain security, access controls, and identity management. It integrates with CI/CD pipelines, provides continuous monitoring, and offers remediation guidance for improved container security.

Fortifying Web Applications

Similarly, Application Security Testing (AST) tools address the challenges presented by web applications by automating vulnerability identification, conducting dynamic assessments, integrating with Continuous Integration (CI/CD) pipelines, and evaluating third-party integrations. They tackle the complexities of modern application architectures and provide comprehensive coverage. While AST tools help with known vulnerabilities, organizations should also focus on secure coding practices, contextual awareness, and complementary security measures to address zero-day risks effectively. A combination of AST, manual testing, and continuous monitoring creates a robust web application security strategy.

Securing Mobile Applications

Mobile app security testing is crucial for safeguarding user data and preserving user trust in the app's security measures. It involves evaluating authentication mechanisms, data encryption, and secure data storage to identify and rectify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cyber attackers. Additionally, conducting regular security assessments helps organizations comply with data protection regulations and demonstrate their commitment to protecting user data.

Addressing API Vulnerabilities

APIs play a critical role in facilitating seamless communication between different applications, enabling them to work together harmoniously. However, it is crucial to be aware of the vulnerabilities that APIs can expose, as they can become avenues for unauthorized access and potential data leaks. To ensure comprehensive application security, it is imperative to conduct thorough API assessments as part of the testing process. By identifying and addressing any potential weaknesses in APIs, organizations can effectively close off these avenues, bolstering their overall security posture.

The use of application security testing is instrumental in addressing these API vulnerabilities and enhancing API security as a whole. It encompasses various measures such as identifying and validating input data, verifying access controls, testing authentication and authorization mechanisms, ensuring secure data transmission, implementing rate limiting and throttling, monitoring API activities, reviewing API documentation, and validating secure token handling. Through comprehensive API security testing, organizations can proactively prevent potential attacks and strengthen the overall security of their applications and systems.

Safeguarding IoT Devices

The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized our relationship with technology, but it has also brought about new security concerns. Weak security measures make IoT devices vulnerable to exploitation. However, by conducting application security testing, organizations can ensure that their IoT applications are free from vulnerabilities, effectively thwarting cyber attackers and safeguarding these devices.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) 

Application Security Testing (AST) plays a crucial role in addressing the challenges posed by Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) environments. It focuses on ensuring the security of applications that are accessed through personal devices, such as mobile phones and tablets. AST encompasses a comprehensive assessment of mobile application security, container security, network security, API security, and secure authentication. By conducting thorough security testing, organizations can ensure that their applications are protected from unauthorized access and potential data breaches. Ongoing monitoring and threat modeling further contribute to creating a secure BYOD environment, safeguarding sensitive data and preserving user privacy. With AST, organizations can implement secure coding practices, verify compliance with industry standards, and receive remediation guidance to address any identified vulnerabilities effectively.

Remote Work

As remote work becomes more prevalent, organizations face a range of security challenges. However, an Application Security Testing (AST) solution offers a comprehensive approach to address these issues head-on. By assessing and mitigating security vulnerabilities in web applications, AST helps protect against the increased attack surface brought about by remote work. It verifies the security of applications on various devices, ensuring that sensitive data remains protected when transmitted over unsecured networks. Additionally, AST identifies and mitigates risks associated with remote collaboration tools, phishing attacks, and malware threats. By enforcing compliance with regulations, aiding in timely patch management, and enhancing application security in the distributed work environment, AST provides organizations with the peace of mind they need to embrace remote work securely.

Supply Chain and Third Party Vendors

Application Security Testing (AST) plays a pivotal role in tackling the challenges posed by supply chain and third-party vendor issues. It involves a comprehensive evaluation of the security of third-party components, APIs, and software to detect vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations. It assesses the security of integrated third-party components, libraries, and frameworks, pinpointing potential vulnerabilities that could compromise the overall security of the application. Furthermore, AST verifies the security of third-party APIs, guaranteeing that they do not serve as potential entry points for attackers. By seamlessly incorporating AST into every stage of the software development journey, organizations can proactively address security concerns and mitigate potential risks.

In addition, AST conducts thorough reviews of secure configurations, facilitates effective vendor risk management, provides invaluable remediation guidance, and continuously monitors for newly emerging vulnerabilities. By seamlessly integrating AST into the development process, organizations gain the ability to make informed decisions and fortify the overall security of their applications, effectively minimizing risks associated with the supply chain and third-party partnerships.

Incorporating Security at Every Stage of the Software Development Journey

To effectively protect against the expanding attack surface, it is crucial to integrate application security testing into the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). By incorporating security testing early in the development process, organizations can promptly address vulnerabilities, minimizing potential risks.

The implementation of application security testing in the SDLC involves integrating security measures, secure coding practices, threat modeling, and utilizing various testing methodologies such as Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), and Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST). Continuous integration and automated security testing in CI/CD pipelines, along with regular code reviews and security training, are essential to ensure ongoing security throughout the development process. By following these steps, organizations can proactively identify and rectify security vulnerabilities, delivering more secure applications to users and reducing the risk of security breaches.

In the face of the ever-evolving digital landscape, it is crucial for organizations to prioritize securing their expanding attack surface. Application security testing solutions like Veracode emerge as powerful weapons in the battle against vulnerabilities in cloud applications, mobile apps, IoT devices, and APIs. By seamlessly integrating security testing into the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) and embracing a proactive approach, organizations can strengthen their defenses and stay one step ahead of the constantly evolving cyber threats.