Remember back when your server was fast?
Data continues to pile up and the system gets a little slower. Response time suffers. Backups, restores, disaster recovery, if you are doing an upgrade, it is all taking longer. You could spend a lot of money on hardware upgrades to get some relief, but the next performance crisis will come in half the time and cost twice as much.
What’s the difference? What’s the cause of this performance problem? DATA. You can get your mojo back by moving some of the old data out of the way. You don’t have to get rid of it. But that old data? You’re rarely if ever, looking at it. So, let’s move it over there so we know where it is, and let’s get production slim, trim, and fast.
This webinar will discuss the current trends and techniques in archiving your JDE data.
Topics to be covered include:
Join GSI and JDE archiving leader ARCTOOLS for an informative session on how to reap the benefits of archiving.