System Management Best Practices - Security

Database2Bill Rehm, ATS Database Lead

One of the most overlooked best practices when managing JDE E1 is user security. When you set up a new user inside E1, you have to assign them a password. Pretty simple, right? Unfortunately, that's not all there is to security inside E1. As shipped, JDE E1 is essentially wide open for all users and companies must develop a plan to handle all aspects of E1 security. Once the plan is in place it requires regular maintenance and adjustment as users come and go or company needs change.

Any good CNC knows that in a vanilla E1 installation, the JDE user and all the schema accounts (PRODDTA, SY900, CRPCTL, etc.) have very well-known default passwords on the database. Many times during an implementation those passwords will stay as shipped to make the process easier and the company may have the best intentions to address that problem after go-live, but that doesn't always happen. If you don't change these passwords, anyone with basic knowledge of E1 could access any data on your system.

A little-known tidbit about JDE E1 database security – in versions 9.1 and older, all database users have all permissions to all tables. This means if you give someone a login directly to the database they will be able to view, change, or delete any record or any table regardless of what permissions you give that user. The only way to fix that is by running the Oracle Public Shutdown procedure.

There's also operating system security. The physical files that reside on your E1 servers are fully accessible by default. Some of them need to be available, but many do not need to be wide-open. The most important files to protect are your INIs since they contain passwords for your key system users. Prior to tools release 9.1.4.x you had to rely on OS level security to protect those files, but in TR 9.1.4.x and above the passwords are encrypted.

Inside JDE you can control the E1 user passwords as well as other details, such as password complexity. Most CNCs already know about that, but one overlooked part of E1 security is within OMW. If a user has access to OMW they will be able to assign themselves to any project as any type of user – developer, manager, PVC administrator – the sky's the limit! There's no built-in security management application for OMW users, so you have to use row or application security to keep people from assigning themselves to whatever they want.

There are many other questions related to JDE E1 security that you might have and it's likely that the answers you get will create even more questions. JDE E1 security is a very complex topic and if you require unique or specialized restrictions you're going to need an expert. GSI's security practice can help you create a custom solution that fits your company's specific security needs.

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