How can I prevent fraudulent payments from the Accounts Payable system?

11063937 909008802463881 6647035323555930565 oDan Schultheis, Manager - Enterprise Application Services

Question: How can I prevent fraudulent payments from the Accounts Payable system?

Answer: Through the use of the Payee Control functionality. Payee Control is an audit feature that helps to ensure that one person cannot commit and conceal an error or commit an act of fraud of selected, critical transaction information. You set up the criteria for the fields, which when changed, require approval. For example, you might require that changes to the bank account information or the payee require approval.

When the system detects a change to a controlled field, it writes a record to the Payee Control file (F0450). This record includes the original information, the changed information, and the address book number of the person who initiated the change. Until the change is approved, you cannot use the automatic payment process to generate payments to the payee:
If you make a change prior to running Create Payment Groups (P04570), the system prints error 4742 (Payee Control – Payee Pending Approval) on the report.
If you make a change after running Create Payment Groups, the system returns error 015B (Payee Control – Payee Pending Approval) when you write the payment group.

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