Marc Fick, Senior Developer
After you expand the chatbot you can begin asking it an assortment of questions. The chat interface is capable of interpreting timeframes like last month, last week, Q1(first quarter), today, and so on. Here are some examples of the kinds of information you can ask the chat interface:
• How many alerts did I have last week?
• How many sev 1 alerts did we have last month – other variations of sev 1 would be severe, critical, warning, error, low priority etc. ?
• What job runs the most often?
• What job ran the longest in Q1?
• How many jobs failed in April?
• How many jobs ran in the past 30 days?
• Give me a health check or Tell me the health of my system?
• Do I have any active tickets?
• Are there any zombies on my system?
Here you can see what some of the responses to these inquiries look like:
We are still working out the details on useful responses. Our goal, by general release time, is to provide detailed information with only a few simple questions. For example, if you have zombie kernels the response would tell you how many and what systems they reside on. Open tickets in ServiceNow will include links to these tickets. These are just a few of the scenarios that are possible. We hope that with the help of our GENIUS clients we can start to add much, much more!