GSI Website Blog 2023

GENISYS Insights - December 2018

Written by stbadmin | Dec 18, 2017 5:00:00 AM

What's New with GENISYS?

Al Hotchkiss, Senior Technical Solution Architect & Cameron Kennedy, Solutions Architect / GENISYS SME / Tier One Team Lead

RadView, which powers the GENISYS performance testing tool, has released a new version of the WebLOAD software which brings with it an updated graphical skin and some improved functionality. Added cloud vendor support for Load Generators opens the door for cloud-based performance testing for companies with multiple locations spread across states and countries.

Some of the key features of the new build:

• WebLOAD Cloud – send notification on test status
• Advanced test scheduling
• Load Generators support for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and others
• Raw Data support

Previously, the GENISYS team had finished working on a foundation for offering ‘Performance Testing as a Service’ building out plans for monthly and quarterly performance testing. With advanced test scheduling, we can now setup automatic testing sessions for specific days & times. This will allow us to schedule tests around maintenance windows and end users. The improved ‘Raw Data support’ can analyze a session from a specific virtual user and isolate issues in the most granular way. It can collect all data, partial or only errors and save it to a CSV file. This was previously only achievable using SQL and data was hard to decipher.

The GENISYS team is also working with Radview for NetSuite scripting and testing aiming to be ready client testing in Q1 of 2019.

As always, the GENISYS Team is in position and ready to partner with our clients to make their software investment a corporate success. If you have any questions about GENISYS or any of our products or services, please email us at  or click Contact Us.