Rick Meyers, Functional FIN/HR Consultant
Did you know that Financial Integrities can be fixed in Real Time now in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.2?
Now users can review any integrity issues, and quickly resolve the integrity issues within the interactive integrity checking programs:
Each of the Integrity Interactive Applications also have processing options that can be setup and reviewed. For example, the Transactions to Batch Headers P0072131 displays the following processing options tabs.
Default tab: The system uses the batch date, not the G/L transaction date, to select records.
Process Tab: This processing option is only applicable if you select Build Batch Headers from the Form exit to create batch header records in the F0011 table.
If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.
When selecting to access the Transactions to Batch Headers form P0072131. Use the fields in the header to search for transactions by batch date, batch type, or batch number, posted status, or prior days.
You can use the Transactions to Batch Headers program to quickly correct transaction errors by accessing the Batches program (P0011).
On the Work with Batches form, the system displays the batch number and batch type of the batch with the error. From the Error Description, users can determine whether the transaction originates from the Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, or General Ledger system and navigate to the appropriate transaction program to post transactions with unposted header or detail records.
Example: Transactions to Batch Headers
The system displays four types of errors in the Transactions to Batch Headers program:
The system also displays the transaction record count for the (F03B11, F03B13, F03B14, F0411, F0413, F0911) for a specific batch and document number that have a posted status that is different than the posted status in the batch header (F0011).
Users can select the transactions using the green check mark to select the transaction to create a batch header for the detail records or select the transaction with the Form Exit to delete the batch header.
Additionally, the watch list functionality works with each of these interactive batches but requires a user license to One View Reporting Foundation.