GSI Website Blog 2023

How to Use the Decustomizer Analysis Report to Simplify Your JDE EnterpriseOne Upgrade

Written by Bill Craig | Jun 24, 2019 4:00:00 AM


JD Edwards Decustomizer Analysis Report

Using the new JD Edwards Decustomizer Analysis Report available in EnterpriseOne, users can easily identify UI customizations that were made to application objects as well as determine customizations that can be replaced with the E1 personalization and extensibility frameworks. This report will help you to reduce your continuous adaption costs by reducing your customization footprint in EnterpriseOne.

The JDE Decustomizer Analysis Report supports Tools and Application Releases for JDE E1 9.1 and 9.2. Coupled with the simplified upgrade process and one-click provisioning, the report greatly simplifies the continuous adoption journey by eliminating many of the costly steps in retrofitting your UI customizations that were part of traditional upgrade process.

The Decustomizer Analysis Report is a two-step process. Using batch reports, first run the Decustomizer Dataload Report UBE (R9540DC), which loads the Decustomizer Dataload Table (F98881DC), which shows all the customized application objects, comparing two path codes (source and target). Next, run the Decustomizer Analysis Report (R9540DCR) that will provide you a summary and detail of the customizations, between the two path codes.

For a deep dive discussion at INFOCUS 19 on using the Decustomizer Analysis Report, please check out the following GSI session:

Decustomizer Report: How to Identify Customizations that Can Be Removed Prior to Upgrading

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